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Increasers Playset

This playset focuses on players increasing their population counts and using population increase counters in the most advantageous way possible for their selected monuments.

Dark Increasers

[M] Temple of the Horde

On MW:: If you do not have any Soulstain tokens, you lose the game. If you have 16+ Population Increase counters across all of your tribes, you win the game.

[M] Temple of Death

On MW:: If you do not have any Soulstain tokens, you lose the game. If you have 5+ Population Sacrifice counters across all of your tribes, you win the game.

[G] Swamp of Suffering x 2

On MW:: Add 1 Population Increase counter to each adjacent tribe. Take 1 Soulstain token.

[T:1] Family 👥

On MW:: Add 1 Population Increase counter to this tribe.

[T:1] Clan 👥

On MW:: Add 1 Population Increase counter to this tribe. You take 1 Population Increase counter.

[T:2] Dark Undead Marauders x 2 👥

On MW:: Take 1 Soulstain token. Add 1 Population Sacrifice counter to adjacent tribes. If this tribe has 3+ Population Count tokens, add 2 Population Increase counters to each adjacent tribe and 1 Population Increase counter to this tribe.

[T:2] Dark Necromancers x 2 👥

On MW:: Take 1 Soulstain token. Add 1 Population Sacrifice counter to adjacent tribes. Add 1 Population Increase counter to each adjacent tribe for each 3 mana in the manawave (rounded down).

[T:2] Demon Horde x 2 👥

On MW:: Take 1 Soulstain token. Add 1 Population Sacrifice counter to adjacent tribes for each 2 Soulstain tokens you have (rounded up). Add 1 Population Increase counter to this tribe for each 2 Soulstain tokens you have (rounded down).

World Increasers

[M] Temple of Growth

On MW:: If you have 16+ Population Count tokens across all your tribes, you win the game.

[M] Temple of Life

On MW:: If there are any directly opposing monuments to this monument, this monument has no effect. If there is a total of 20+ Population Count tokens across all tribes in play and there is a total of 4+ Population Count tokens across tribes adjacent to this monument, you win the game.

[G] Plains of Plenty x 2

On MW:: Add 1 Population Increase counter to each adjacent tribe. Add 1 Population Increase counter to each directly opposing tribe.

[T:1] Clan x 2 👥

On MW:: Add 1 Population Increase counter to this tribe. You take 1 Population Increase counter.

[T:1] Spreaders of Life x 2 👥

On MW:: If this tribe has 2+ Population Count tokens, take 1 Population Increase counter for each 2 Population Count tokens. If this tribe has 4+ Population Count tokens, add a Population Sacrifice counter to it.

[T:1] Druids of Fertility x 2 👥

On MW:: If this tribe has 2+ Population Count tokens, take a Population Increase counter for each 3 mana in the manawave (rounded down). If this tribe has 4+ Population Count tokens, add a Population Sacrifice counter to it.

[T:1] Order of Sharing x 2 👥

On MW:: If this tribe has 2+ Population Count tokens and you have fewer Soulstain tokens than your opponent, take a Population Increase counter for each 3 Soulstain tokens your opponent has (rounded down). If this tribe has 4+ Population Count tokens, add a Population Sacrifice counter to it.

CoOp Increasers

[M] Temple of Prosperity

On MW:: If the manawave has 4+ Surge Strength tokens and your opponent has more Population Increase counters than you, you lose the game. If you have 8+ Population Increase counters across all of your tribes, you win the game.

[M] Temple of Civilization

On MW:: If the manawave has 8+ Surge Strength tokens and the number of directly opposing tribes plus adjacent tribes is 5 or more, you win the game.

[G] Sheltered Harbor x 2

On MW:: For each opposing tribe, add 1 Population Increase counter to each adjacent tribe. For each adjacent tribe, add 1 Population Increase counter to each opposing tribe.

[T:1] Family 👥

On MW:: Add 1 Population Increase counter to this tribe.

[T:1] Clan 👥

On MW:: Add 1 Population Increase counter to this tribe. You take 1 Population Increase counter.

[T:1] Traders of Fortune x 2 👥

On MW:: Add 2 Population Increase counters to this tribe for each opposing tribe.

[T:1] Artisan Crafters x 2 👥

On MW:: Add 1 Population Increase counter to this tribe for each Population Count token on each directly opposing tribe.

[T:1] Enchanters of Exchange x 2 👥

On MW:: Add 2 Population Increase counters to each directly opposing tribe. Take 1 Population Increase counter for each 2 mana in the manawave (rounded up).