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Game Set Pieces

Game Set (per PvP instance)

Part nameQuantityMaterialNotes
Manawave Board1Print-out/ ChipboardSource, 5 Nexus, Sink
World Board1Print-out/ ChipboardPlacing for A, B, C cards; show factions in play; hold locations for player Soulstain and Population Increase counters
Selection Indicators3 x 2Print-out/ ChipboardChoices for A, B, C
Position Indicators11 x 2Print-out/ ChipboardChoices for N0.5, N1, N1.5, N2, N2.5, N3, N3.5, N4, N4.5, N5, N5.5
Counter Placement Grid2Print-out/ ChipboardSheet with grid and coordinates for players to place counters before token consolidation phase
Soulstain TokensTBDChipboard OR diceCut-out tokens/counters OR dice with face to indicate count
Population Increase CountersTBDChipboard OR diceCut-out tokens/counters OR dice with face to indicate count
Population Sacrifice CountersTBDChipboard OR diceCut-out tokens/counters OR dice with face to indicate count

Play Set (pieces for single player to bring)

Part nameQuantityNotes
Faction Indicator Cards2 x 33 Factions, 2 cards each (one for player reference, one to add to world board)
Tile Selection Cards12 x 33 Factions, 12 cards each
Faction Board Tiles12 x 33 Factions, 12 tiles each
Piece Rules Sheet1Single sheet that shows what each piece does, for all factions


  • Redesign selection/world board to hold world state info

    • show which factions are in play
      • requires extra faction indicators
    • OPT/OSB soulstain and counter areas
    • Manawave Power token area
  • bigger selection pieces

  • counter placement board (for token resolution phase to place counters in secret)

  • some type of screen?

  • Tiles: Combine tribe indicator with population token zone. Add starting tribe count to indicator somehow.

  • extra faction indicators per card set (for world board)

  • Printouts/booklet showing what each piece does (per tile definition)

  • need soulstain tokens

  • manawave location indicator(s) - space for die to show surge location/distance?

  • change orientation of N*.5 arrows on manawave (don't point backwards)

  • circle sticker templates

  • flowchart for card templates?

  • 38mm vs 65mm hex pieces (support both?)

    • 65mm better to physically play with
  • are geography tiles necessary? effects can be achieved with tribes