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Terms & Keywords

Tokens vs. Counters

Counters are placed as the manawave progresses and typically consolidated into tokens at the end of a manawave.

Tokens persist across manawaves. They may be added or removed at the end of a manawave (typically via consolidation). They can also be used to indicate a state that can adjust how a tile will be procced during the manawave.

Game vs. Player vs. Tile

Tokens and counters can be at the game world level (e.g. to indicate how the strength of the manawave), at the player level (to indicate something the player can control/allocate at the token placement phase), or at the tile level (to indicate allocations that are local to that playing piece).

🌊 - Manawave

Game Token Types

  • Manawave Strength


Token Types

  • ⚫ - Soulstain

Counter Types

  • 👶 - population increase
  • 🗡 - sacrifice (populate decrease)
  • ⚔ - attack (damage/population destruction) counters
  • 🛡 - shield (damage prevention/defense) counters
  • nomad/movement counters?
  • nomade/movement direction indicators?


Token Types

  • 👥 - Population
  • (TBD) Annhilated - tribe tile with 0 population after end of MW

Counter Types

  • 👶 - population increase
  • 🗡 - sacrifice (populate decrease)
  • ⚔ - attack (damage/population destruction) counters
  • 🛡 - shield (damage prevention/defense) counters
  • nomad/movement counters?
  • nomade/movement direction indicators?

Tile Relationships - Friendly Pieces

  • adjacent/neighbor
  • towards MW
  • away from MW
  • to either side of tile
  • sourcewards (half of adjacent tiles facing towards mana source)
  • sinkwards (half of adjacent tiles facing towards mana sink)

Tile Relationships - Opposing Pieces

  • opposing (surge channel and neighbor surge channels)
  • directly opposing (only same surge channel)
  • indirectly opposing (only neighbor surge channels)
  • indirectly sourcewards opposing
  • nearest opposing


Manawave uses a coordinate system to refer to where pieces on the tile grid reside.

It includes the following components:

  • player side (OPT or OSB for port and starboard players, respectively)
  • rank, denoted by R followed by a number (to indicate which row of hex tiles it is on that player's side)
  • distance from source in the sinkwards direction, denoted by N followed by a number (half-steps are used to indicate tiles that are in between nexus points)

An example player side coordinate is OPT (R2, N2.5).