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Population Faction (2 each)

Forest Hunters [E]

M0: Add 2 population increase counters to Clan.

Grassland Shepherds [E]

M0: Add 1 population increase counter to Tribe.

Rugged Shepherds [E]

  • M0: Add 1 population increase counter to Clan for each adjacent Family.
  • M1 [2]: Add 2 population increase counter to Clan for each adjacent Family. Reduce total by 1 for each Soulstain token your Tribe has.

Farmers [E]

  • M0: No effect.
  • M1 [2]: Add 2 population increase counters to Clan for each adjacent E-aligned Family.
  • M2 [4]: Add 1 population increase counter to Tribe for each adjacent E-aligned Family.

Mystic Farmers [E]

  • M0: Add 1 population increase counter to Clan.
  • M1 [1]: Execute M0. Add 1 mana counter to Clan.
  • M2 [2]: Execute M0. Add 1 mana counter to Tribe.

Soylent Green Farmers [E]

  • M0: Add 1 population increase counter to Clan.
  • M1 [1]: Add 2 population counters to Clan. Add 1 population counter to Tribe. Add 1 Sacrifice token to Clan. Take 1 Soulstain token.
  • M2 [4]: Add 4 population counters to Clan. Add 2 population counters to Tribe. Add 2 Sacrifice tokens to Clan. Take 2 Soulstain tokens.